13 research outputs found

    Pragmatic borrowing between English and Chinese: A comparative study of two-way exchanges

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    Through centuries of cross-cultural communication, English has been enriched by elements from other languages around the world, including Chinese; meanwhile, English has also exerted considerable influence on the Chinese language. Lexical exchanges between the two languages have been studied in previous research, and yet are mostly restricted to the lexical items themselves. This thesis particularly explores the pragmatic aspect of this language contact, examining items that are used to convey attitudinal or interpersonal meanings. I conduct a series of case studies on bi-directional pragmatic borrowing between English and Chinese, using a variety of data sources, which include dictionaries, corpora, social media data, and other online resources. I take a broad view of what constitutes pragmatic borrowing: I not only investigate the borrowing and integration of discourse-pragmatic items that are transferred between the two languages, but also examine the pragmatic motivations for the borrowing of other lexical items and even grammatical units. The items discussed in the thesis range from parts of words, specifically affixes, to individual words to longer structures, and contextual analysis shows that all of these have been used to achieve pragmatic effects. The study demonstrates the important role of cultural context, speaker creativity, and sociolinguistic factors in the borrowing, integration, and innovative use of linguistic items

    Macerals of lignite and the effect of alkali treatment on the structure and combustion performance of lignite

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    Suppressing the spontaneous combustion of lignite is of great significance for safe transportation and efficient utilization of lignite. Taking the Shengli lignite as the research object, two different macerals, inertinite and huminite, were selected by optical microscope, and treated with NaOH respectively to study the relationship between the structure and combustion reaction performance of different macerals and lignite treated with NaOH. The structure of the prepared coal samples was characterized by SEM-EDS, XPS, FT-IR, XRD and Raman, and the changes of the main functional groups were analyzed. The effect of NaOH treatment on the combustion performance of different maceral lignite was investigated by TGA. The results showed that the ignition temperature of huminite lignite was about 10 ℃ earlier than that of inertinite, but the comprehensive combustion characteristic index of inertinite lignite was slightly higher than that of huminite. After the NaOH treatment, the lignite of different macerals showed a hysteresis of combustion, there were two obvious weight losses in the range of 200−500 ℃ and 650−800 ℃, respectively, and the mass loss was mainly concentrated in the second weight loss, in particular, the effect of huminite lignite was more significant, and the temperature corresponding to the maximum combustion reaction rate was about 60 ℃ behind that of inertinite. The kinetic analysis of the combustion process of the coal samples showed that the activation energy of combustion reaction of lignite with different macerals significantly increased after the NaOH treatment, and the huminite lignite was higher than that of inertinite lignite. The XPS/FT-IR results revealed that the contents of carboxylic oxygen-containing functional groups in different macerals of lignite treated by NaOH decreased, the main reason is that in the process of NaOH treatment, Na+ interacted with the carboxylic oxygen-containing functional groups in lignite to form the sodium carboxylate structure, and the relative amount of the sodium carboxylate structure in huminite coal was relatively large. It is believed that the inhibitory effect on the combustion of lignite with different macerals is attributed to the stability of the sodium carboxylate structure, and the number of the sodium carboxylate structure formed by combining with Na is the main reason for the difference in its combustion performance. The XRD/Raman analysis indicates that the formation of the sodium carboxylate structure in lignite leads to the increase of the order degree of carbon microcrystalline structure, and the order degree of huminite lignite is higher than that in inertinite

    Biofouling characteristics in Xinghua Bay of Fujian, China

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    Biofouling is one of the main factors affecting the efficiency and safety of cooling water systems in coastal nuclear power plants. Understanding the population dynamics, succession rules and cumulative effects of major fouling organisms is the basis for targeted prevention and control. A 1-year simulated concrete panel test was conducted from December 2020 to November 2021 in Xinghua Bay, China. A total of 78 species of fouling organisms were recorded by combining the monthly, seasonal, semiannual, annual and monthly cumulative panels, and the community composition was dominated by nearshore warm-water species, making for a typical subtropical inner bay-type community. The fouling organisms had a peak attachment period from June to October. Significantly more attachment was observed during summer (from June to August) than during the other three seasons. The attachment amount in the second half-year (from June to November) was much higher than that in the first half-year (from December to May). The attachment thickness, density, and biomass of the bottom summer panels reached 20 cm, 105,150 ind./m2, and 19,274.50 g/m2, respectively, while those of the bottom annual panels were 40 cm, 27,300 ind./m2, and 17,762.50 g/m2, respectively. The dominant fouling organisms with calcified shells mainly included Amphibalanus reticulatus and Pernaviridis. These species had high attachment amounts,could accumulate attachments for a long time, and even might cause secondary blockage, making them the most detrimental to the safety of a cooling system. Moreover,the seasonal upward growth of hydroids and bryozoans can also significantly reduce the efficiency of cooling water intake. We suggest that targeted prevention and control should be carried out according to the larval attachment period of different dominant groups of fouling organisms during June-October, which can greatly improve the prevention and control efficiency. Strengthening the research on the biological cycle phenomenon of the main species and their main environmental impact factors, and establishing a scientific and effective early-warning model are the governance direction of formulating and implementing scientific pollution prevention and control in the future

    Responses of the Siberian crane population to temporal and spatial hydrological variations in stopover sites in northeast China

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    The Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus), a critically endangered species, is used as an indicator species for ecosystem stability because of its sensitivity to the environment. The distribution of Siberian cranes has shown dramatic fluctuations on an order of magnitude at the main stopover site (Jilin Momoge National Nature Reserve) since the present century, which poses a great challenge to the conservation of endangered species. Research on the threshold values of key factors of the Siberian crane in stopover habitats and the relationship between the Siberian crane and hydrological temporal and spatial fluctuations can promote endangered species conservation. The response of population changes and distribution patterns of Siberian cranes to hydrological temporal and spatial patterns of wetlands was analyzed from 1984 to 2020. The results showed that population changes and distribution patterns of Siberian cranes were highly correlated with hydrological temporal and spatial patterns in the study area, and their variation trend was the same. However, there were obvious stage migration changes in the core activity area of the Siberian crane (1984–2000, 2001–2010 and 2010–2020). The habitat characteristics of fragmentation, dispersion and complex shape of water bodies changed from steady to dramatic fluctuations and then leveled off in the core activity area of Siberian cranes during the 37 years of migration transit. This was closely related to the early agricultural reclamation and the later ecological water replenishment project in the study area. In addition, the trend of the water pattern index of the spatial distribution of Siberian crane active habitat was also closely related to their habitat selection preference. When the perimeter area fractal dimension of water (1.27–1.40), landscape division index (0.73–0.95) and aggregation index (80.97–91.36) are within a certain stable threshold, the stopover habitat of the Siberian crane is suitable. This study will provide scientific guidance for the conservation of the Siberian crane population and the development of wetland restoration projects